Sustainable energy systems need ambitious goals, novel technologies, as well as stringent execution. nista develops an AI-powered data analysis software that they offer as an Energy Efficiency as a Service tool for the energy intensive industry.

xista team

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Bernhard Petermeier

More and more government policies are promoting and enforcing sustainable energy usage, yet the energy sector is currently lagging in digitalization and in generating actionable 

insights on sustainability and efficiency measures. Data is scattered, and is incompatible, exacerbating near-term actionable decision making in key-industries to pioneer a sustainable future.

With its solution oriented and programming-agnostic approach, nista is setting a brisk new standard in the crowded industrial data analytics space by removing the need for in-house teams or external consultants. nista is a cloud-based no-code data acquisition and analytics software that allows processing time-series data fast, efficiently and intuitively. The software examines data with embedded AI algorithms, and identifies direct, actionable measures for decision makers to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Through offering an ongoing service, nista incentivises periodic improvement habits instead of one-off projects, thus saving the environment, reducing cost and creating a sustainable company culture.

We decided to back nista, as we believe stopping climate change will need a whole new level of interconnected and cross-domain analysis and decision making. With the ever-increasing acceleration of technology adoption, IoT data has reached critical mass, driving the demand for higher level analysis and admin layers of incoming IoT data. In nista’s team we see both IT and IoT specific excellence merging to break current silos and to lead the way into a new class of analytics tools.

Pitch your idea

Investment process

1. Share your Information

Use the form to tell us about your startup. Our team will review the details provided and will get back to you as soon as possible. If you meet the required criteria, we’ll plan together the next steps of your funding journey.

2. Start the financing process

We start by inviting you to a meeting and gather more information relevant to conducting a due diligence process, evaluating your business plans, growth strategy, and financial forecasts. Together, we analyze and determine the essential details and deal structure to meet your unique financing requirements.

3. Raise capital

If we invest, we will likely lead your funding round and will help you to fill your round and guide you through the process. From round preparations to execution, our team is here to support you, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.

4. Go beyond financing

We will be your partner in everything you encounter while executing your plans. We offer continuous support and guidance as we firmly believe long-term succes is a shared mission.